Barre is a town in Worcester County Massachusetts with a population just under 6 thousand people. It was first settled in 1720, was incorporated as a district in 1774 and renamed Barre in 1776.
Barre is home to the administrative offices of the Quabbin Regional School District and Quabbin Regional High School.
Barre is also home to the Stetson School
To reach town hall call:
Board of Selectmen: (978) 355-2504 ext. 135
Fire Department: (978) 355-5030
Police Department: (978) 355-5005
Town Administrator: (978) 355-2504 ext. 135
Town Clerk: (978) 355-5003
To reach the school department call:
Quabbin Regional School District:(978) 355-4668
Quabbin Regional High School: (978) 355-4651
Quabbin Regional Middle School: (978) 355-5042
Ruggles Lane Elementary School: (978) 355-2934
Organizations in this community include:
Barre Food Bank: Chuck Radio (978) 355-6463
Barre Historical Society and Museum: (978) 355-4978
Barre Players Theater: (978) 355-2096
Council on Aging: (978) 355-5004
Insight Meditation Society: (978) 355-4378
Veterans Agent: (978) 355-2504
Wood’s Memorial Library: (978) 355-2533
Recent happenings in this community: Google News Search
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